Your Soul Workout Journal Ariel – 05/30/2018


Your Soul Workout Journal

Recently, I’ve been experiencing many setbacks in my personal life. Mainly, a divorce and some deterioration in my physical and mental health.
Although I’ve just finished my PhD after long 7 years of hard work, I feel spent. I haven’t had the chance to realize my potential as an academic lecturer, and at the moment, I lack the coyach to really invest in my plan to become a college professor. Right now, I mostly try to keep above the day to day demands. Stuff keeps happening that seem a bit too much to cope with when they all happen at once.
I would also like to have a second chance at having a family of my own. Or at least build a life with someone. I’m not sure I can. I feel old and spent, and I fear I don’t have what it takes to share my life with someone.
I try to think positive and have bitochon in Hashem, but I’m really tired, and feel very much alone.
I feel I have so much unrealized potential. I have so many ideas, and no coyach to make them happen.
At the moment, my role model is my mother, may Hashem gives her health and happiness, who is an expert in preservering. But Boruch Hashem I do have some accomplishments every once in a while, caring friends, and also a son, may Hashem bless him, of whom I’m truly not worthy.


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