Do you have leadership qualities that you are not aware of? Would you be surprised to hear that you are a leader in many ways, even if you don’t feel it? For that matter, how much do we really know about ourselves? With our lives influenced by so many powerful forces — parental attitudes and expectations, school, friends, peer pressure, social mores, marketplace demands — is it a wonder that we find it hard to discover what we are really made of, what we are truly capable of? Have you ever thought of what you would be like if you freely spread your wings and soared? How many of us feel that we are victims of circumstances?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this leadership workshop and discover the five features — derived from Moses — that define a leader. Learn how you can master these five qualities and in the process, access inner strengths hitherto unbeknownst even to you. Surprise yourself as you find out new things about yourself, which empower you to become proactive instead of reactive, and to control your destiny instead of it controlling you.
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