Is life defined more by boundaries or by commonalities? By individuality or by harmony? Is existence unified or fragmented? Is this the difference between the quantum states of the indeterministic microscopic world and the deterministic parameters of the macroscopic world? On a more personal level: What dominates your life — rules and boundaries or lack thereof? Do you have strong or weak boundaries? Is a free spirit someone who has no boundaries and taboos? Is love dependent on creating borders or eliminating them?
Join Rabbi Jacobson in this boundary based workshop and discover how an ancient law connected with this day of Rosh Chodesh (the new Hebrew month) Adar teaches us a surprisingly advanced understanding of the balance between diversity and harmony. Learn how boundaries actually help us become boundaryless. Find out where indeterminism meets determinism, where structure meets transcendence — and how this contains the secret to healthy relationships and even to world peace.
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