Issue 32 | Parshat Shemot | I Am a Child and Believe



Beyond the World of Logic 

Who is closer to the truth – adults or children? Ostensibly it would seem that a mature adult, whose mind and emotions are fully developed, would be able to access the truth more than an undeveloped child. Indeed, for many years, until just recently, secular psychology saw a child as a “dumb” adult in the making. Religious Puritans even saw children as “born in sin” and as little savages that needed strong measures to keep them in line!

The Baal Shem Tov – and Torah in general – sees things, shall we say, a bit different. Actually quite different; a perspective which is the exact opposite than the secular view: A child is the closest possible thing to the truth. The simplicity of the child touches – far more than any adult – the simplicity of the Essence of all existence! Indeed, it is the developed mind of the adult that conceals and blocks the experience of pure truth…

In this week’s insight, discover the moving way the Baal Shem Tov describes himself as a child… A powerful story captures the life-altering words of the Baal Shem Tov to a great scholar who was left confused in his ponderings on the existence G-d.

Above all, we will learn how to tap our single most powerful resource: Your inner child.


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