Pesach Second Day: The Greatest Pesach in History!



Published on: 4/5/15

When was the greatest Pesach ever?

In the year 622 B.C.E. That was the worst of times and the best of times for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel.

It was a time when no one knew that Passover existed. It was a time when no one knew that Torah existed. Then, the Torah was suddenly found, and the festival of freedom, Passover, was suddenly rediscovered. And that led to the greatest Pesach in all of Jewish history!

This happened during the reign of King Josiah. And this is what we read about in the Haftorah for the second day of Pesach.

That story poses a challenge for us – to rediscover the eternal Torah within our personal holy temples so that the freedom of Passover will reign anew in our time.

This sermon also includes a heart-wrenching story from more recent history – a story of a young girl on a Nazi death march and how she honored Pesach. From it we learn that, as descendants of such pure and holy people, we have an enormous responsibility. To share the Torah with those who don’t know, and make sure that no one feels like a guest at a Pesach Seder – for we are all family.



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