Get six complete and original sermons for Shabbat HaGadol (or purchase them individually)
1. Are You Afraid Of Public Speaking?
How can one get over the fear of public speaking? Shabbat Hagadol provides the fascinating answer. On this Shabbat before Pesach rabbis are instructed to deliver a long sermon..Why? The very theme of Pesach — and a story about an onion, peppered with a pinch of humor — offers us insight into the power and pathology of speech, teaching us the secret of overcoming fear and delivering the greatest possible speech.
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2. The Secret of a Successful Sermon
Rashi writes that we call this day Shabbat HaGadol because the long sermon delivered on this day made the Shabbat feel gadol — long and protracted! Why would a sage of the caliber of Rashi jokingly gripe about the lengthy sermons on that day? The answer may surprise you.
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3. What Defines Greatness?
The word “greatness” is thrown around a lot. Five-star hotels are called ‘great.’ As are championship sports teams, top restaurants, popular TV shows and blockbuster movies. There are ‘great’ businessmen, ‘great’ actors, and ‘great’ communicators. But what does greatness really mean?
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4. Every Last Crumb
Why the obsession with finding every last crumb of chametz before Pesach? Does G-d really care about a mere crumb?! And if it does matter that much, why can we eat bread a moment before and a moment after Passover? The answer teaches us a tremendous lesson in the nature of the self and the ego.
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5. The Great Shabbat: Now and Then
After 210 years of unspeakable suffering, what was this final week of slavery like for the Jews? This is the question we ponder today, as we consider the nature of the great miracle that took place on Shabbat HaGadol, some 3,300 years ago. In that great miracle, when darkness itself dispelled darkness, lies the secret of this great day.
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6. 50 Gates of Shabbat
What can gates teach us about greatness? Our lives are a journey through 50 gates, with Shabbat HaGadol opening up for us the ultimate 50th gate.
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