We all have our vices, as we do our virtues. Though it is certainly healthier and more productive to focus on broadening our positivity rather than slaying the demons of negativity, there are times when we do need to focus on our darker sides in order to gain mastery over them.
Do you struggle with anger, vanity, lust, greed, frivolity, slothfulness, melancholy? Tune in this new Vice Ad-vice series and discover new ways to conquer these, and other vices.
Please join Rabbi Jacobson for part two of this intriguing series: Addressing the Vice of Pride, Vanity and Arrogance. What is the root of vanity? How do you deal with arrogance? Are some people born more arrogant than others? Does a vanity gene exist? Can one truly conquer vanity or is just suppressing it the best we can hope for? Are there benefits to vanity? Why is arrogance included with anger in the choleric temperament associated with fire? Are there different forms of arrogance?
Discover a refreshing, surprising way to look at vanity directly in its face. Learn how to use new tools which will teach you not only how to disarm arrogance, but how to harness it for a greater benefit.
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