Rebellious Youth


In describing the final days before the advent of the era of Moshiach, the Talmud describes a generation of insurgency and upheaval, in which “A daughter rises up against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law… the youth shame their elders….”[12]

Today, we have been privileged to see these predictions being actualized—in the positive sense. The younger generation has risen up against its elders’ defensiveness and spiritual apathy. Today, it is the sons and daughters who are bringing their parents back to the ethos and practices of Torah, and who are leading the way in perfecting and transforming our world. It is they who are heralding the age of peace and divine goodness that Moshiach will bring.

From an address by the Rebbe, Sukkot 5717 (1956).

Adapted from the teachings of the Libavitcher Rebbe by Yanki Tauber.


[12]. Talmud, Sotah 49b.


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