Suicidal Thoughts


Dear Rabbi Simon Jacobson,

I finished your book “Towards a Meaningful Life.” I was overwhelmed and it  was very insightful. Thank you for writing it, I do appreciate it.

I met you when you toured in Birmingham, Alabama and was deeply touched and  moved by your seminar at Barnes and Nobles. The reason I was so moved was  your statement “Your being born is God’s way of saying ‘you matter‘” I  think that statement answered a lot of questions for me. I have been  suicidal for a while, spent some time in a hospital and could “not” get an  answer to life. When you said that line, it was a place inside of me that  pierced through me and opened up a world of new possibilities and serene  peace.

I went to shake your hand in Birmingham and told you that I had an undergrad  in Theology and was acquiring my masters in Divinity at a Christian Seminary. I had taken a break from Seminary because I did not feel as if it  was the proper decision for me. In my studies at College and Seminary, I  mainly focused of Jewish tradition, the Hebrew Language and Jews today.

I have a deep respect for Jewish people and their traditions. To be  brutally honest, your lecture was much more enjoyable than a lot of my  professor’s lectures in college.



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