They came to Marah. And they were unable to drink the waters of Marah, because they were bitter
Exodus 15:23
The simple meaning of this verse is that they, the people of Israel, were unable to drink the waters of Marah because they, the waters, were bitter. Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov offered another reading of the verse: The people of Israel were unable to drink the waters of Marah because they, the people of Israel, were bitter.
“Also the world He placed in their hearts,”[12] said the wisest of men. A bitter heart inhabits a bitter world.
Adapted from the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe by Yanki Tauber.
[12]. Ecclesiastes 3:11.
just right…great for reflection And making a behavioral shift. Admit where I think. Besht says we are where our thoughts are. Change thought through action of caring. If so…nice. Room to grow into the next good deed and thought. Smiling. Contentment from a shift in thinking. GD gives this brave vision of where we really are if we want to see beyond. the ball’s
just right…great for reflection And making a behavioral shift. Admit where I think. Besht says we are where our thoughts are. Change thought through action of caring. If so…nice.(Room to grow into the next good deed and thought) Smiling. Contentment from a shift in thinking. GD gives this brave vision of where we really are if we want to see beyond the Baal davar’s vision which is “off,”… sorry if there is repetition. I started to po’em a poem.
thank you for the insight. The caring coming through helps me step out of linear into the un-yet next step to the freedom of being positive and joyful.
I am smiling.
What is the sound of one man smiling?
Baruch Shimon