Emotions & Psychology
When you awake in the morning, while you are still lying in bed, think for a moment: What does it mean to be awake and alive?
Though many of its clients may not be, the therapy industry itself is healthy and robust. You may even be lying on a couch as you read this. In an era of unprecedented material excess, we sometimes find ourselves feeling emotionally bankrupt. We know where to turn for excitement, but we are lost when it comes to finding meaning. We are experts at distraction, but when we are alone with the mirror, are we truly happy? Are these questions considered neuroses? I don’t know, this conversation is stressing me out…
The Water Drawing Festival
Youth have a unique strength derived from the Water Drawing Festival; they sets their sights on a goal and climb straight up. The more mature person takes time and makes calculations for every goal.
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Throughout the Chumash, G-d instructs Moses to count the Jewish people on 4 separate occasions so much so that the fourth book is called “Book of Countings”
Read MoreA Lesson in Humility
There are two approaches to develop a true feeling of humility toward someone whose character or behavior is obviously inferior to one’s own.
Read MoreThe Transformative Joy of Adar
Adar is the month of joyous transformation, the month with the “nullifying power” of sixty. The power to transform an undesirable — even destructive — force into a nourishing joy and delight.
Read MoreThe Joy of Adar
Since one has to always grow and ascend in all good activities, the increase in joy in Adar must also grow from day to day.
Read MoreThe World as You
It was with bitterness in their hearts that the Children of Israel received their inheritance, and those feelings seeped into the gift.
Read MoreDiamonds and Chicken Fat
An allegory of diamonds and chicken fat that describes the soul’s descent into the physical body.
Read MoreAn Eye and a Sigh
A story of two devoted neighbors, one living a spiritual life and the other a material one, and their surprising judgments at death.
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