Exile is not a noun but a verb.
Chains, fences, and barbed wire create physical exiles; but there are exiles that run much deeper. Being chained off from your own self, or handcuffed from your own abilities, is devastating; being imprisoned within your own insecurities, or constricted by your own fears, is sadness personified. In many cases the keys to the tumblers that lock us down are within our very own pockets – or at least within our very own souls. Every single person has been to an exile or ten. And every single person has had the ability to be free.
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Through trials, tribulations and destruction in Jewish history, our nation endured. Discover how difficulties in our lives can spawn unprecedented power.
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The reality that we live with seems harsh because the world was created dark, but everything in this world has a higher purpose that we can’t see.
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The Seder plate serves as a reflection of both your purpose in life and your greatest potential, and contains in its structure multiple layers of symbolism.
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The purpose of exile as explained through the metaphor of cholent, a stew eaten on the Jewish Sabbath. What cholent teaches us about the meaning of exile.
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