Theme: Happiness in Life
Happiness is a state of being, not an acquisition. Therapeutic methods for getting to a happy state do not make you happy; they are only able to strip away layers of negativity and damage that cover up your essence. Your essence is happy, and therefore your natural state is happiness. It is not something that you can describe. It is an experience of being. You will get there by living in line with your true essence.
All content about Happiness in Life: Happiness in Life Without Money | Can You Make Yourself Happy?
Live with Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Finding Joy in the Dark Moments
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 @8:30pm
Live Stream | Podcast
The idea of being separate from the Oneness and Wholeness of our divine Creator is the seed of unhappiness and the renewing of our mind into the remembering of our Oneness and Wholeness in and with our Creator is the journey of experiencing true Joy.
Why do we need to seek happiness? Is this the basic aim that G-d chose for us in which to live? And if it is, are we sinful when we deny it? And if the purpose for us is only to be happy, why don’t we automatically adopt this nature?