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Showing 41–50 of 587 results
Matot: What Can We Do For Israel?
Matot: What Can We Do For Israel?
A thunderstorm of unceasing rockets is raining down upon the Land of Israel, slamming into its holy earth.… Read more >
Mattot: Heroes and Anti-Heroes
Mattot: Heroes and Anti-Heroes
When faced with the cruel injustice of life, two men in history responded in very different ways: Moses… Read more >
Pinchas: Does Israel Belong to the Jews?
Pinchas: Does Israel Belong to the Jews?
Why is Israel so important to the Jews? Why do we insist that it is ours by right? But… Read more >
Pinchas: How Important is Yichus
Pinchas: How Important is Yichus
Would you allow your child to marry a grandchild of an idol-worshipper? How important is yichus (pedigree)? Some people are… Read more >
Pinchas: Is the Torah Chauvinistic?
Pinchas: Is the Torah Chauvinistic?
One of the harsh critiques aimed at Torah Judaism is that it is chauvinistic – that there are… Read more >
Pinchas: War and Peace: Is There a Peaceful Approach to War?
Pinchas: War and Peace: Is There a Pe...
How should we react when we witness a crime – with aggression or with passivity? Do we confront… Read more >