Why is sexuality so powerful? Intimacy is a celebration of vulnerability; it touches the softest part in each person, the most private and fragile part of a human being.
Most of us desire true intimacy, but we are afraid to experience true vulnerability, to lose control. But this makes it difficult to ever experience true intimacy, for being comfortable with your vulnerability is the ultimate intimacy. The question is: How can we really let go? We can be distracted and misled by the physical aspects of intimacy, pursuing it only to satisfy our selfish needs. Or we can understand sexuality and intimacy as the truly meaningful forces that they are.
The Destruction and Restoration of Dignity
He is still controlled by the dark demon within. He lives in world of shadows, seemingly always on the run. Escaping what? Himself above all. Why they call it “substance abuse” seems odd; it’s not abuse of the substance, but of yours.
Read MoreVaetchanan: Comfort My People
Many tears indeed can be shed for our children whose lives are prematurely “hijacked” by the demons of abuse and drugs; bright futures suddenly aborted; robbed of their possibilities; injured psyches.
Read MoreFinding Your Transcendent Soulmate
There are many other questions that need to be answered when searching for your soul mate. Here are some of the requirements necessary to achieve a transcendent relationship. It is always best to have a close trusting friend or mentor that can help you objectively assess your particular relationship.
Read MoreSexuality or Intimacy?
Everyone has a sexual nature, everyone has a need for sexuality, everyone has a sexual personality, and everyone has been shaped, in one way or another, in their sexual preferences, in how they express and experience it, whether inside or out of marriage today. Everyone listening will have a very strong opinion in the matter. This discussion is coming from a perspective that is very defined, yet extremely flexible and surprisingly free-spirited.
Read MoreWhat Do Nuclear Energy & Love Have in Common? A New Look at Intimate Relationships
How powerful is intimacy and sexuality? In human experience it is as powerful as nuclear energy. Like nuclear power, it also has the potential of becoming the most devastating. When two people come together, they have the power to create a new life – or to behave so abusively that one or both people suffer a trauma of a lifetime.
Read MoreHomosexuality
Rabbi Simon Jacobson, author of the best-selling “Toward a Meaningful Life” discussed homosexuality and Judaism live on the radio. This is a transcript.
Read MoreA Marriage Made on Earth
Man was created male and female initially—as a “single being with two faces.” In marriage, the divine analogue is made whole again. Essay by Rabbi Simon Jacobson based on a letter from the Rebbe.
Read MorePassover: Faith and Flesh
Did you hear about Israel’s latest plan to polish its image for the American public? Girls. Yes, you heard that right….
Read MoreVayeira: Where is Moshiach? In Sodom
The theme, in this week’s Torah portion, the destruction of the wicked cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, a deceptively complex story…
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