Business, Work & Money
When you equate your self-worth with your bank account, the result is anxiety. But when you equate money with divine gifts, the result is an invaluable blessing.
Have you transformed your job into meaningful work? The majority of our energy is spent on something that most of us abhor – work! There is nothing as depressing as a rainy Monday morning, when you know you are going to spend the next ten hours in a cubicle. So why do we do it? Why do we work? To make money, of course. But what is it about money that makes our hearts go ka-ching? Is it really worth distilling all that blood, sweat and tears into a few crisp dollar bills? The answer is an emphatic yes! You can transcend the monotony and enjoy meaningful work!
Money and Spirituality (Part 3/5)
Part III of a discussion on money and spirituality including material possessions and divine energy, ethical business, and the power of giving.
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In part four of “Money and Spirituality,” the true value of man is discussed, and the simultaneously socialist and capitalist approach of the Torah elucidated.
Read MoreTzav: Money and Spirituality Part V
In part five of “Money and Spirituality,” the old economic paradigm is scrutinized in juxtaposition with the new economy of the Messianic Age.
Read MoreVayeira: The True You
This world often conveys the message that everyone is damaged at the core. Part four of Samech Vov discusses the essence of the soul and how each one is, in fact, at perfect peace.
Read MoreThe Dust of History
The cosmic struggle to reconcile spirit and matter are captured in the story of Jacob and Esau and the battle between these two opposing forces.
Read MoreKorach: Give(rs) and Take(rs)
In Parshat Korach in the Book of Numbers we learn the value of wealth. The history of money reflects the inherent conflict of life: are we takers or givers?
Read MoreChukat-Balak: Wealth Question
The value and significance of questions, opinions and feedback; and the time-old question whether parents should bequeath their wealth to their children.
Read MoreNoach: Raging Waters
Not only are we never given a challenge we cannot overcome, but from Parshat Noach we learn that every challenge brings us to an even greater height.
Read MoreFinancial Anxieties
If you are suffering from today’s financial crisis, here is a profound piece of counsel from the Torah portion Noah.
Read MoreVayishlach: Giving In Difficult Times
The words of the Zohar speak for themselves. They tell us in no uncertain terms that we must stand against any voice and challenge (including economic conditions) that argues against supporting (or weakening our support of) good causes.
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