G-d is not an Orthodox Jew, nor is G-d Conservative or Reform. What about you?
It isn’t what you think it is. It isn’t cold, it isn’t irrelevant, it isn’t biased, and it certainly isn’t chauvinistic. Religion gets a very bad rap. But Religion is to existence what notes and scales are to music; Religion is to humanity what grammar is to language. Religion is but a highly sophisticated system of spiritually mathematical rules that allow us to experience life and reality in a deeply meaningful way. The challenge of course is discovering the music in the notes, lest it be coerced piano lessons all over again. And this discovery is why you are here.
Matot-Masei: Tzugekumene
Response to a provocative letter: ‘The feeling of “us” and “them” was an undercurrent in the interactions between FFB’s and BT’s or non-observant Jews’.
Read MoreBehaalotecha: Mitchum
Parshat Behaalotcho discusses kindling the menorah that the flames rise on their own: recognizing G-d in our own lives by saying “im yirtzeh Hashem”.
Read MoreBamidbar: After 3316 Years How Far Are We From Sinai?
Parshat Bamidbar: Sinai created an interface bridging heaven & earth, giving us the power to fuse matter & spirit entirely without compromising either or.
Read MoreBehar Bechukotai: Global Dimming
Present day conflict has a direct source in biblical schisms of our forefathers, and in the ongoing war between the spiritual and the material.
Read MoreShemini: Religious Selfishness
Using personal anecdotes, Rabbi Jacobson explores of the side effects of practicing religion by rote, and the beauty of a true “religious” experience.
Read MorePassover: The Slavery of Freedom
While hardship and lack of material prosperity are challenging, the opposites – freedom, ease, and wealth – beget soul-numbing complacency.
Read MoreTzav: Believers
Using personal anecdotes as well as Chassidic stories, Rabbi Jacobson examines the different types of believers in light of his previous article on atheists.
Read MoreTerumah: The Passion
Once again the Jews are up on trial against the other religions of the world. Yet the nation must continue to stand strong as a “light unto the nations.”
Read MoreVayera: Religious Selfishness
Abraham gave us the power to challenge G-d, asking Him to shift destiny. This we must when it comes to standing next to fellow Jews in defiance against G-d.
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