The Kabbalah of Water

The second of the four human temperaments is water. Water reflects the calm and relaxed personality type. One that is fluid and soothing. The water archetype is love, which surrounds and nurtures us in its embrace. We begin our lives submerged in the embryonic fluids of our mother’s womb. Love moisturizes everything it comes in contact with. Like water, it makes things grow and is the source of great pleasure.

On a deeper level, the Kabbalistic mystics explain that water manifests the supra-conscious, and teaches us how to be submerged in and absorbed by a reality greater than ourselves, where subject and object fuse as one

Please join Rabbi Jacobson and explore this water feature in your life. Learn how to cultivate and build the nurturing powers of water, harness its strengths and temper its indulgences. Discover how to create the proper balance and harmony between the fire and water within your psyche and soul.

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Roya Safari
3 years ago

Holy Rabbi Simon. Was emazy of you with this class. I remember our persian prophet Zarthosht in old Long times ago, maybe 2557 years maybe more. He. Had a book name Avesta, so is holy for zartoshtian in Persia. He told us, we shal respect for four elements if we Will keep safe holy Ground and ourselvrs. We must keep holy and safe Sun, Earth, weather or airs and water. I like his laws. I never read his book, forbid, only in seret Hidden book. Very kind few People of them in Persia or in the world. Very Nice you Knowledge Rabbi opem this Issue. Merry Christmas, happy New year, kind holy Rabbi Simon, and all holy friends.

The Meaningful Life Center