The Soul’s Social Dilemma

What impact does technology and social media have on our lives? Is it freeing or enslaving us? Is it helping us become greater and freer? Are we controlling it or is it controlling us? Much has been written and argued about on this topic. Two futuristic scenarios have been posited — one in which machines end up ruling us, and the other in which we rule the machines. The latest popular Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma, sounds the alarm about the way technology today controls us — manipulating how we think, act, and live our lives.

What can we do about it? How can we regain mastery over our lives while still using technology?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson for a fascinating new way of looking at the events of this world including social media — through the eyes of your soul? How does your soul see the commotion and turbulence of physical existence and all its institutions and technologies? How does it experience information overload and sensory over stimulation? Discover powerful tools and methods to reclaim your destiny and live a life from the inside out instead of the outside in.

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tamar pewzner
3 years ago

Beautiful speech. May we all find the strength and wisdom to see the world inside out….

The Meaningful Life Center