Your Soul Workout Journal – 02/06/2021


Your Soul Workout Journal

Question One: In three words, describe your personality. Unmotivated Lost Obscure
Question Two: List five of your most dominant interests. Spiritual/bible Music/singing Travel Family
Question Three: Describe your character, including your virtues, vices, strengths, and weaknesses. Not dependable afraid unworthy selfish lost think too much
Question Four: List the past four opportunities that opened doors for you.
House TLM

Who faciliated those opportunities? MYSELF
Question Five: In the coming year, what opportunities would you like to have open to you? BE MOTIVATED, find a purpose be content and family oriented
Question Six: Who are the people who you most often deal with? List the greatest joy(s) and the greatest challenge(s) in dealing with them. Family. Spending time with them worrying about how they will be without me, worried about ruining their lives
Question Seven: If you have a mentor, describe what you admire about your mentor. If you do not yet have a mentor, describe what qualities you’d like your mentor to have — qualities which you would like to emulate. Encouraging, thoughtful, helpful and loves me
Question Eight: List the places where you have lived. What possibilities did each place offer you?
Question Nine: List the places where you have traveled to. You can list just the ones that had a clear effect on you, or all of them. In each place, what changed in you as a result of your visit? What did visiting each place teach you? I’m a mess
The next step is to review your answers with a trusted friend or mentor. What conclusions about your life’s mission can you draw? Where have you been in life, and where do you want to go in life? Your answers to the nine questions above should give you a picture of what you can contribute to the world — what you can contribute to your community, to your friends and family, to your work. Look out for the unique life experiences that have shaped you, as well as what future experiences you would like to have. Your purpose in life will emerge from reviewing your answers.


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