The natural world reflects a Divine reality. From weather events to breathtaking sunsets, there is much more to nature than meets the eye.
Nature is the perennial inspiration for artists and intellectuals. Is it because of the sheer beauty of the mountains? Is nature so compelling because of the soothing sound of the sea? Is nature the muse for so many because of the smell of pine trees after a summer rain? Or is there something deeper that makes nature such a joy to humanity? Nature is a manifestation of Divine energy and Divine purpose. Explore the deep, mystical aspects of nature to appreciate it in a new way.
Ki Tisa: Just a Friendly Reminder
A poem about snowfall demonstrating our vulnerability, but also strength, while heading towards an uncertain future.
Read MoreVeyakhel: Jerusalem in White
A poem about a great snowfall in the Holy City of Jerusalem and the transformation that happened among its people and sites.
Read MoreVaeirah: A Changed Landscape
Are humans inherently greedy and self-absorbed? Or is it our bodies that demand this from our actually selfless souls?
Read MoreBo: All This Talk About G-d
You are created in G-d’s image with the power to act as a leader towards the Redemption, just as Moses does in Parshat Bo.
Read MorePassover: Back to Egypt
Reflections on a Puerto Rican Passover, the slavery of excessive freedom, and the search for the Divine inner light.
Read MoreVayechi: Warming The Winter
Inspiration alone is not enough, but when it is combined with effort and exertion, one can burst through his constraints and the world will open up for him.
Read MoreVayikra: The Tzaddik
Based on the insight of the Alter Rebbe and the Rebbe Rashab, the concept of a true tzaddik is explored in the context of the nature of this world.
Read MoreTazria-Metzora: Divine Containers
The world increasingly witnesses a union of form and function and spirit and matter. This concept is examined through the lens of kabbalah and Chassidus.
Read MoreTzav: Soular Dissonance
The sun and the moon are not two self-contained luminaries, divorced from earthly affairs. They are both an integral, intertwined part of the human condition.
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