Your Soul Workout Journal – 04/07/2020


Your Soul Workout Journal

I’m not sure if I read the Daily Soul Workout. I was looking for that specific title on my emails but didn’t find any. I have been wanting to make my notes in the journal since I connected with MLC through a dear friend who returned to Hashem last month. I read the post Upheaval and Change Part III. It makes so much sense. I feel like the current state of the world is signaling a change to “life as we knew it.” We must be prepared to let go of that life and move on to “making peace with Yah” and incorporating “G-dliness in all that we do.” I’m not sure that I will see it in my life time but I am truly glad to be a part of seeing the change begin and proceed forward till we get to the time of complete change as Hashem’s plan was from the beginning. There is still much work to be done. This is a call to action! We must prepare ourselves to assist in leading the change. This is the time we have been waiting for. It’s time to wake up out of sleep and slumber, to grow ourselves and help others to “see” the change that is in progress. Yvette Lang 4/7/2020


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