Your Soul Workout Journal – 04/27/2021


Your Soul Workout Journal

TISHREI 5. To help me to reconnect to the purest part if myself G.d told me to place a picture of me child life on my wall. When I get upset to think about that picture and to connect with pictures of a ecorce of a tree.
The creation is infinitly details and beauty and nobody can rivalise with what he do. The nature grow and take the form with the variations of the weather. I need to fight for my peace like the tree fight when insects attact them. The externs influences create their shape like my reactions to the my environement will create me.
I need to stop to talk alone otherwise G.d can’t help me because I put someone else before him. I need to connect with others by music/ communications and him by prayers.
I have the choose to stop on my negative past memories or to see the beauty he gave to me and go foward.


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