Your Soul Workout Journal – 08/21/2019


Your Soul Workout Journal

Today I decided to start a journal. I’ve been on a spiritual transformation since, we’ll guess it first began back in 2017. I read the book “Heaven Is for Real”. My mother gave it to me. It was a great gift. The best kind of gift that can be given. I then went to see the movie “The Shack” in the movie theater. It was an incredible film that had me crying by the end. It opened my eyes to a lot of things. In particular about Jesus wanting relationship with his people. Personal relationship. I think that is what I’ve been after these last few years. I’ve been seeking that relationship with Christ. It’s had its challenges and temptations to sin will always be there. I’ve went off course a few times. Succumbing to the flesh. But the important things is that I’ve always gotten back on track. I’ve repented and asked God for forgiveness. And He has forgiven me. As my journey has continued on, I have gotten stronger, wiser, less fearful of my inadequacies. Christ has helped me see the light in the darkness. My awareness of who I am in Christ has also grown much stronger. Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. This verse in particular burns in my heart and mind. It gives me hope.


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