Your Soul Workout Journal – 08/29/2020


Your Soul Workout Journal

Elul 13.
The essence of each of us is good.
Recognize this Holy part and to allow it to shine on the outside.

I began to reopening my social life.

My environment is Christian, not Jewish; that cause an incomprehension.

The situation Covid 19. limits my tools to reveal & work & share my projects.

I recycle everything I can do.
I work on paper on an Art project inspire by the pictures of the creation: Nature.
I decide to fly to my country.
I eat vegetarian food & try to focus on bio product.
I learn my midvahs and I began to learn the jewish calendar, that include festivals
I recite prier & 13 attributes of compassion.
I listen more my inside voice & I think that protected me.

I want to pray more with my heart.


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