Your Soul Workout Journal – 09/09/2020


Your Soul Workout Journal

Elul. 17

Moise demonstrate:
Resignation is never an option. It is always possible to return to G.d & your true self through: TESHUVAH
T: Sincerity “with G.d”
Sh: “I have set G.d before me”. Humble
U: Love ” your fellow as yourself”
V: In your way recognize G.d
H: Discretion & Modesty (?)

Until many years I was insecure to contact my best friends; I disappeared to their life without reason. Recently,
I contact three old friends, include my teenager best friend and I received a fast answer; I was really happy but not able to told than a lot about my situation.

I didn’t paid my last aerial straps class with my circus master.

I complete step by step the processus for be able to ask forgiveness to my criminal act. The process look incredibly long.

I began to eat vegan to reconcile with G.d because in front of extreme situations I eated meat No biologic/ No kosher/ No grow free. That always difficult with salmon/ fish & eggs when I’m not free to buy my own food. I’m at this present time in Isolation for 7 days; I move Canada.


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