Your Soul Workout Journal – 09/14/2020


Your Soul Workout Journal

Elul. 21
*Human have the faith that we can achieve impossible: Walk on moon/ Airplane/ Cure
* Faith can reach heaven, Reason can reach higher.
* Unwavering faith/ True faith:
G.d answered all the prayers for Nachshon. But G.d answer was no.
* I have faith I will be able to ask for forgiveness to the actor Channing Tatum.
* I was faith for cure my physical injury. Doctor faith that possible= I’m more flexible now .
* I have faith my projects “Save the Arctic world” and my aerial project can change world good way.
* I have faith the man I follow is the man G.d give to me.
* If the man I follow have addiction problems he don’t have intentions to solve; I consider he’s not the man G.d give to me, because he will become the substances he consumed and we will be not able to grow-up together. I have faith, if I listen G.d, G.d will found the right man for me.

Lack of Faith:
I was hurt inside me, I hungered with no access to the food I love, I had difficulty to do money with projects who talked about protection environment & my beliefs, in the street of Los Angeles. I saw for many month people live in miserably conditions, act like crazy, gradually lost their mind & insult everyday people around them;

That created an insensibility and a trivialized to the suffering of others and animals. When the demands for justice are trivialized, a stifled rage ends up exploding in a way that can have no ties with the source of the sufering.

Don’t Become your suffering and you will be free; Healthy rebellion can take other forms than violence and anger:
* Fast
* Art
* Public diffusion

G.d give me the ability to cry when I think to the humanity I saw One time in the eyes of my cat & also his capacity to change his bad habits, to learn tricks and to create a relation with me.

That create an insensibility to the suffering of others and animal.

Quand les requette de justice sont banalise une rage etouffe fini par exploser.

La rebellion saine peut prendre d’autre forme que la violence at la colere:

* Jeune
* Art
* Diffusion

Don’t Become your suffering and you will be free.

G.d give me the ability to cry when I think to the humanity I saw 1 time in the eyes of my cat & also the ability to my cat to change is bad habit/ learn and create a relation with me.


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