Your Soul Workout Journal – 09/29/2020


Your Soul Workout Journal

Elul 26.
Compassion is remembering that each one of us, however coarse and imperfect we way be on the outside, is endowed with a perfect soul in the inside. Exercice: My first pictures come to me when I wrote the precedent Note sentence; That not right for people who destroy herself with drugs and narcotic because they changed they naturel human condition. I will stay agree whit Rabbi Rav Ron Chaya; We can`t work with a person who dont want to stop her nacotic dependance; First that person need to return to his human nature to find G.D and to decide of their master. This morning I cried again, I wrote yesterday;

I want to believe everybody want to change the world and love each other: But that is the true, everybody is create to a divine image and want to protect what they are.
The duality of rebellion is a fight all human live and It s our responsability to decide of our masters. I have the possibility to choose and to take advices to who I want to buy the tooIs I will use to be able to engrave details in the marber of my own identity.

I will complete Elul 26 Tomorow.


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