Your Soul Workout Journal – 10/10/2020


Your Soul Workout Journal

“I’m for my beloved” – I take initiative, I show that I’ m fir my beloved, rather than waiting fir my beloved to make a move.
Compassion is a trait that can be cultivated; you become compassionate when you act compassionately. That doesn’t mean you ignore crimes.
Compassion is remembering that each one of us is endowed with a perfect Divine soul on the inside.

I asked on the 6 october 2020 that my case be remanded to the Trial Court, so that in the interest of justice and equity, my verdict may be modified.
I fell better. I forgot to told thanks to the shelter. The attorney of the other party told me I received a second convocation but the shelter were I worked like a volunteer never gave me that document. In fact they returned the file without inform me.

I lived the house of my friend, she’s not jew an I realize that can create important difference in my friendships and privates relations; so I ‘m happy and graceful for her help and support; I was able to communicate with the court; I submited on the 7 october my grant at the Art council of canada, I didn’t stop my training; I did my aerial on a tree. I also came back physically and mentally in my deepest past; That had drive me sick and I now retry to put together my montreal past with my america change to be complete in a new life in montreal.

I found a room at the Maria Goretti residences; I feel safe, I have access to a gym; I buy organic vegetables, I fixed my administrations problems and I would be able to pursuit my training for free in a professionals circus studios.

I will finish the Elul.26 tomorrow; in the shelter in california my heart was in protection mode.


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