Your Soul Workout Journal – 12/11/2021


Your Soul Workout Journal

Breaking Damaging Patterns

I moved from my room at residence Maria Goreti and I live again to a shelter in Montreal that name: Chainon.

Since my convocation to the California Court I lose the control of my life and I took decisions I’m not able to explain;

I change the color of my hair and I stoped to work on my art projects. I worked in a massotherapy center but sometime clients was not respectfully and I over worked on a art projects for the decoration of a bar Bord’Elle who don’t give me regulary salary and job.

I will have an other convocation the 31 january at the California Court of California and I asked that channing tatum will be there to recognize me.

Until that date and after, I want to try to found advices to put order, peace and joy in my life. I need money to do a video of my aerial act and I don’t want to stop the projects I worked on for the last years. I will do a benifit show for childreen the 19 january at Bord’Elle. Monday I will sent a request to be at the reception of a restaurant name’s La Voute, that can give me aerial’s job. I will try to sale again christmas cards AtomicLove.One.

I think I will call meaningful life center Tomorrow & Monday to ask for advices.



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