Shavuot: Esau, Ishmael, & Sinai
G-d approached the nations of the world thousands of years ago and offered them the Torah before being accepted by the Israelites. What are the modern implications of this?
Read MoreBahalotcha: The Journey
The Bible is filled with journeys, the greatest of which isn’t even completed in the 5 books; in this case the destination is created through the journey.
Read MoreMatot-Masei: Three Weeks of Pain, Seven of Comfort, & Two of Return
Parshat Matot-Masei: 3 Weeks of Pain, 7 of Comfort & 2 of Return. Understanding the 3 Weeks of mourning in a chassidic discourse by Reb Hillel of Paritch.
Read MoreEikev-Nachamu: From Lebanon to Jerusalem – Diary
As he travels around Israel Rabbi Jacobson rediscovers all the historic sites that the world has tried to bulldoze over.
Read MoreKi-Teitzei: The Seven Weeks of Comfort
Following the three weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temple, there is a seven week period of comfort which allows us to heal and renew our connection to G-d.
Read MoreRosh Hashanah: New Year 5763
Though the situation may seem grim we have the ability to transform it into a renewal of strength by seeing this for what it really is, a new world.
Read MoreSukkot: Has Anyone Found my Chicken on S. Monica Blvd?
On Sukkot we celebrate the unique opportunity that Yom Kippur offers us; to reconnect with your soul and G-d despite any previous transgressions.
Read MoreBereishit: Passion & Complacency
Let us set the world on fire, the fire of spiritual passion that transforms. Together let us create a true revolution: Passion with poise.
Read MoreNoach: The Birth of Nations
Armed with the retrospective wisdom derived from the lessons of history – we must ask ourselves: Have we learned something? Are we listening?
Read MoreLech-Lecha: A Man of Certainty in Uncertain Times
Abraham discovered the only certainty in life: The absolute commitment to your Divine calling, the mission for which you have been uniquely chosen.
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