Daily Life
Your body belongs to G-d, who gave it to you to care for, as a vehicle to carry your soul through life. Just as you would not harm another person, just as you would not harm anything that G-d has created, you should not harm your own body. It is your duty to eat well, to rest, to stay in shape, and to treat your body with respect in every way. Physical fitness is not arbitrary or optional; it is part of your responsibility to G-d. On the other hand, worshipping the body is destructive. The body is a vehicle for the soul; its value lies there, not as an end unto itself.
Many people today are health-conscious. We understand that being healthy makes us feel better, makes us more productive, and ultimately lengthens our lives. We realize that when we are healthy, we can concentrate on family and work, and the other things that are important to us. But most significantly, a healthy body allows you to concentrate on your soul, enabling you to fulfill your divine mission in this world and live a meaningful life.
Embracing Your Vulnerability and Loss of Control
Marisa Donnelly welcomes Rabbi Simon Jacobson to talk about the challenge of embracing your vulnerability and learning to let go of all that you can’t control, a message that’s all the more relevant in pandemic time.
Read MoreYour New Nightly Ritual
You must go to the root of the problem. If you’ve tried everything, then the root of your lousy mornings might be the way you went to sleep. It could be time to try a new nightly ritual.
Read MoreHow to Get Yourself to Work Out
Theme: Spiritual Wellness
Deeper motivation and insight into the spiritual value of fitness can elevate your experience of working out, which will help you develop a positive relationship with it.
The Spiral Staircase
A great mystic uses the “spiral staircase” as an analogy for life’s cycles. What today is at the bottom, will tomorrow be at the top. And like a spiral staircase, we turn our backs to the destination just before we reach its peak.
Read MoreSleeping Tips
These three sleeping tips are based on the timeless wisdom of Kabbalah. They encompass the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of sleep.
Read MoreMid-Life Crisis is a Myth
Life is one crisis after another. Mid-life is no different. Here is how to deal with it.
Read MoreCosmic Sleep
Achashveirosh’s sleepless night set in motion a series of events that led to Mordechai’s rise, Haman’s downfall, and the salvation of the people of Israel.
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A Refreshing Death
Sleep is one of G-d’s greatest gifts to mankind- the ability to wake up to a new day free of yesterday’s mistakes and constraints.
Read MoreLife, Death and Reality
Discover a new perspective on death from the scope of spiritual reality. Learn how Torah operates within the confines of nature but is not limited by it.
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