Counting the Omer
Experience 49 Days of Personal Transformation: The 7 week period between Passover and Shavuot, called Counting the Omer, is a powerful span of time, which empowers us to refine our lives and elevate our souls. The spectrum of human emotions divide into 49 different attributes, each one corresponding to one day in this 49-day period.
Looking for the MyOmer App? Looking for Rabbi Jacobson’s book on Counting the Omer?
To go from narrow-mind confinement to mind-blowing expansion is no easy task. To go from Egypt to Sinai, the person must transform his Egypt mentality into the disposition of Sinai. The person has seven weeks to do so, forty-nine days, from the exodus from Egypt to the receiving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. Every one of the forty-nine days the person works on another attribute, refining, honing, preparing. The person counts his progress until the day – the day when the follower that was becomes the leader that is.
Can We Change Our Personalities?
By seeing ourselves as Divine we can begin looking at the universe in a new way and then recognize our ability to change existence as a whole.
Read MoreReligion and Refinement
The contrast of a person being so devout on one hand, while being so coarse on another, is terribly unnerving.
Read MoreYour Seven Emotions
In the Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism, there is a map of the emotions. It’s a map that divides the emotions into seven categories, seven particular attributes and faculties.
Read MoreAre You Too Nice?
“Nice” can mean being inoffensive — to anyone. “Nice” can mean people-pleasing and acquiescing. “Nice” can also mean being non-confrontational (even when you should be).
Read MoreCrime of Passion
The fire of our souls, like any fire, can be the source of sustenance (healthy fire), or… an inferno (“strange fire”). The challenge is great. The choice is ours.
Read MoreEight Times Eight
A discussion about the Torah portion of Shemini, which literally translates to “Eighth,” and the number which signifies a dimension beyond nature.
Read MoreMaking it Count
The Counting of the Omer, which tracks the number of days between Passover and Shavuot, is a useful tool for recalling our gifts.
Read MoreForty Nine Days Between Passover and Shavuot
From Passover to Shavuot, we conduct a daily count of the days and weeks in reenactment of the forty-nine-day process of self-refinement which our ancestors underwent from their exodus from Egypt on the first day of Passover to the revelation at Sinai on Shavuot.
Read MoreYour Guide to Personal Freedom Counting the Omer: Week Two
The second week of counting the Omer corresponds to the emotional attribute of gevurah, discipline or justice.
Read MoreYour Guide to Personal Freedom Counting the Omer: Week Three
During the third week of Counting the Omer, we examine the emotional attribute of Tiferet or compassion.
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