Leaving Egypt happened. But it is also happening.
The final three plagues lead into the beginning of the freedom: locusts, darkness, and the killing of the Egyptian firstborn. The first Mitzvah, the first formal connection between G-d and the people, is given: to observe the rebirth of the moon, bless the months, and establish a calendar. The first Passover ever: mark your doorposts so that the angel may pass you over, roast your lamb and eat it together with matzo and bitter herb. Pharaoh hard heart is finally broken, as are the chains of slavery; the people leave Egypt rich in spirit and rich in matter. Everywhere since, tell the story to your children, celebrate the freedom, don the Tefilin as a sign on your arm and statement between your eyes – here stands a free people.
Bo: All This Talk About G-d
You are created in G-d’s image with the power to act as a leader towards the Redemption, just as Moses does in Parshat Bo.
Read MoreBo: The Kav
Learn about the Tzimtzum and the Kav manipulating Divine Light to allow for independent beings and how to direct light via the worlds of Atzilut and Beriah.
Read MoreBo: Gaza: Part IV
As this Middle East conversation continues, with all its complexities and prejudices, we have been receiving very many reactions from readers. Most are supportive of this type of dialogue, but there are some who are upset and even livid.
Read MoreBo: Sheer Determination
There is no greater gift than the gift of determination: The absolute certainty that you are precious and indispensable; that you are on a mission championing a cause; that the place and time in which you find yourself is exactly where you belong; and that you have the power to make your unique mark on the universe.
Read MoreThe Soul of Evil
When you learn this secret about the soul of evil, no evil will ever defeat you. When you learn this secret, you and your people will be free. Read Kabbalistic secrets to overcoming forces of evil.
Read MoreRebellious Youth
Today’s children are rising up against their elders, but in a positive way.
Read MoreThe Fifth Dimension
The laws regarding leavened bread on Passover are much more stringent than those dealing with other foods as this food has significant intrinsic meaning.
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A freely-translated excerpt from a letter the Rebbe wrote in the summer of 1963 to a leading American Rabbi on the teshuva movement especially among youth.
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