The Divine is holy. We are created in the Divine image. Holy we shall be.
To be holy is to be unique, is to be exclusive, is to be beyond. The Creator of all is unique, exclusive, and beyond. Connect with the Creator and holy we shall be. Here are the Mitzvoth, the connections, to help achieve this holiness: do not worship (l)imitations; be righteous, charitable; uphold the law; celebrate Shabbat, the tranquility of the world; be purely and morally intimate; be honest; honor, revere parents; keep life holy and holy you shall be. Here’s the fundamental principle: Love your fellow as yourself.
Kedoshim: West of Eden
The present issues in the world are sourced in longstanding religious and metaphysical conflicts which revolve around the physical and figurative Babylon.
Read MoreAcharei Kedoshim: Transitions and Premonitions
A personal story about a man standing on the edge of the spiritual world is shared, followed by an examination of both spiritual and physical dimensions.
Read MoreBeyond Virtue
In practical terms being holy means going out of your comfort zone and conventional behavior.
Read MoreThe Meaning: You Shall Be Holy for I Am Holy
What does the commandment “You shall be holy for I am holy” mean? Our relationship with G-d is complex. We contribute as much and even more than we receive.
Read MoreThe Things You See
Even the smallest incidents in life happen by divine providence, and one is never a passive witness.
Read MoreLove: A Paradox
According to Rabbi Akiva, the commandment to love your fellow man is integral to the Torah. What exactly does this love entail?
Read MoreG-d’s Vulnerability
G-d’s holiness is closely intertwined with our own, since we are equal partners in creation.
Read MoreCrime of Passion
The fire of our souls, like any fire, can be the source of sustenance (healthy fire), or… an inferno (“strange fire”). The challenge is great. The choice is ours.
Read MoreLetter to Poway
From Rabbi Simon Jacobson: “From within the dark belly of the abyss, we found strength more powerful than any black forces; love and unity mightier than any hate and war.”
Read MoreTo Be Like G-d
Spirituality in and of itself is not enough to satiate the Jewish soul, which seeks a unity with G-d that transcends a mere servant-master relationship.
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