Are Your Reactive or Proactive?

Do you usually find yourself reacting to situations or creating them? Do you generate opportunities or wait for them to come your way? Do you take the initiative or just respond to others? Do you ever lead the way? Or are you afraid to do so? Would you define your life as one of an accumulation of forces that have shaped you, or one that you have shaped? A life of playing defense or offense? The answers to these questions are no small matter. They can determine the course of your life and destiny. For example: How many opportunities may you have missed due to your waiting for something to happen instead of making something happen?

There are three types of people: Those that make things happen. Those that watch things happen. Those that ask: what happened? Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this global broadcast and discover how you can become one who makes things happen, instead of one who things are happening to. Learn how to take the initiative, how to be proactive instead of reactive. And how this can make all the difference in your life.

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Harry Pearle
8 years ago

Thank you, Rabbi Jacobson. The parsha, Shelach, speaks of the scouts who were afraid to conquer the land. But I am reminded of the saying: ‘MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK’ (John Heywood, 1554).

Perhaps the key to pro-activity is often to work with others, in one way or another way. Unfortunately, we when we were young students we were taught to focus on COMPETITION, more than COOPERATION. At higher grade levels, the competition increased, more and more. The pressure to juggle work, by ourselves, increased.

My own father passed away on Shabbos Shelach, and so I am thinking about the lessons we can learn from it. In life we have to juggle many things, including our Torah observance and our work. Perhaps, if we paid more attention to the moment by moment juggling, we could find ways to share the work with others.

“Many hands make light work.”

8 years ago


Thank you for your presentation.
I am wondering if it is possible to create MLC groups, so those who follow your lectures can connect and possibly work/create together with those of like minds.


8 years ago

life changing

Bette Morrow
7 years ago

I enjoy the ‘thought provoking’ subjects that help me to stop and focus; giving consideration as to how I can incorporate them into my life. I am on the ‘waning’ side of life but still have a love for life especially on matters that pertain to my spiritualty and the wonderful contentment I derive from Torah study.
As you see I am not Jewish by birth or conversion but have benefited greatly from studying the weekly Torah portions…they have given me a foundation that otherwise was missing in my life.

Thank you for the many great insights and I am now in the process of using your book on ” Elul ” in preparation for the festivals that will soon be arriving.

The Meaningful Life Center