Bringing Sinai Home

Where does heaven meet earth? Can we rise and transcend our physical limitations and social distancing? is it possible to fuse matter and spirit? Can a mortal creature experience immortality? Can a finite being touch infinity? Do we have the ability to unite with the divine in our homes as we do in our synagogues?

An event took place 3332 years ago, which changed the world forever and contains the answer to these and many more fundamental life questions. And this event is relevant today more than ever.

As we remain restricted or quarantined in our homes, one may think that our confined state limits our ability to manifest the unlimited divine. Sinai teaches us that nothing can be further from the truth. On the contrary: The earthshaking and life transforming Sinai revolution married heaven and earth, and empowered us to connect our fragile mundane existence with eternity, and experience the Divine Essence itself in our individual homes, hearts and souls.

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this special pre-Shavuos class and Yizkor program and discover how this year, we have a unique and unprecedented opportunity to bring Sinai home and transform our lives like never before. In the moving Yizkor program learn how to connect to the eternal souls of your loved ones. Where does heaven meet earth? Right at your doorstep.

Yizkor at Home. Submit names of your Loved Ones for Memorial Service.

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The Meaningful Life Center