We all face two opposing voices in life. One is rooted in self-interest—this voice insists that giving diminishes what we have. The other voice speaks of transcendence and selflessness, calling us to serve something greater than ourselves. Unlike materialism, which divides, spirituality unites. When we give love or kindness, we don’t lose; we grow richer, as giving from the heart only expands our capacity for connection and light.
This is the essence of the Chanukah message, symbolized by the flames we light each night. A flame is unique—it can ignite another without losing its own strength, and in fact, the two flames combined burn even brighter. Light becomes the ultimate metaphor for divine energy: selfless, illuminating, and always rising above. It teaches us to transcend the pull of self-centeredness and instead embrace a higher reality where we connect to something greater than ourselves.
Chanukah invites us to access the soulful flame within us, to give and grow without fear of depletion. When we light our own lives, we ignite others, creating an endless ripple of warmth and illumination. This is how we bring healing to our world—through one kind deed, one inspiring word, and one compassionate act at a time. May we all rise to this calling, sharing light and creating a brighter, more unified world. Happy Chanukah!