Entering an Uncertain World
Modern-Day Floods: What Will This New Year Bring?
With personal and global upheavals rattling the world — from ISIS to Ebola, from the Middle East to Ukraine, including today’s breaking news about the latest attack in Jerusalem — now hitting home as reflected in the volatility of the markets — many are wondering what the future holds? Will things become even shakier or will they stabilize? What does it all mean? And what can we do to maintain balance in an uncertain world? How do we navigate the choppy waters and torrential downpours as we enter a new insecure world?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson as he applies the lessons from the Great Flood to the modern-day deluges flooding our lives and upsetting the equilibrium. Discover how to see the roots behind the symptoms. Learn to look at these and all disturbances through a new lens — to perceive the underlying forces that shape events, and the patterns that define their significance. Understanding the big picture is the key to regaining control — and becoming master of your circumstances instead of their victim.