How to Be Real in a Fake World

Do you ever feel like life is a masquerade—constantly switching masks depending on where you are, who you’re with, and what’s expected of you? At work, at home, in social settings—always performing, always adapting, living up to others’ demands.

And then you pause and wonder: Where am I in all of this? What part of me has been lost?

We live in a world where inauthenticity has become the norm. We’re not just talking about fake news or AI-generated illusions. People—out of fear, the need to conform, or the desire to be accepted—often put on a facade, a forced smile, a curated persona. And when you add the layers of insecurity and childhood conditioning—especially if we grew up in homes where authenticity was lacking—this becomes second nature.

The result? A profound dissonance between who we are and how we feel we must present ourselves. It’s disorienting, even exhausting.

So, what can we do about it?

Please join Rabbi Simon Jacobson in this vital discussion and discover how we can reclaim our true selves in a world that pressures us to be something else.

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15 days ago

This was a very powerful talk. It raises excellent questions for self-reflection. Highly recommend to anyone who is feeling disconnected from the world. It’s a good reminder that, more likely, the feeling of disconnection from others may actually be a cue to a disconnection from your own soul (which is where the light of Gd is available to comfort you & guide you along your path).

The Meaningful Life Center