Recent headlines have been dominated by charges of sexual harassment in virtually all sectors of society. A growing number of women are bravely coming forward and describing the degradation, intimidation, and abuse they have endured at the hands of superiors in the work place, and the like. How many more victims are there? How prevalent is this predatory behavior? How extensive the damage?
These painfully sad revelations shine a glaring and vital light on the moral character of our society, namely on the state of sexuality in our times. Indeed, sexual attitudes are the ultimate barometer of a society’s health – the metric defining the welfare of our families and communities.
Has sexuality lost its soul? Have we lost our way in one of the most important forces that shape lives?
Please join Rabbi Jacobson as he addresses the bigger story behind this appalling behavior — what it tells us about life today, what it teaches us about our sexual perspectives. Discover the lost art of intimacy — the true soul of sexuality — and what we can do to heighten our sexual sensitivities and improve, refine, and grow the state of our relationships, the cornerstone of a healthy society.
Thank you so much for this class. I agree with every single word that you said, I’d like that everyone listen to that carefully. People need to ‘rediscover’ the santicity and respect in every aspect of life and in everyone, including themselves. Love and peace.
Rabbi, I know you have spoken about this topic many times through the years, yet I can still say that this specific discourse was brilliantly and beautifully constructed and executed. I don’t know how you do it and I am in total awe. You are a lasting inspiration to me.