Do you control your destiny or is your life predetermined? Is the Zodiac real or a myth? Do its signs play any role or have any significance in our lives?
These are not theoretical questions. If our lives are predestined, then we must wonder whether we have any free choice. And the answer to that question has far reaching implications in our lives. If your destiny has already been determined then what meaning does your life have and how invested will you be in your choices and decisions, which can’t change your outcome? What hope is there for someone who is predestined to suffer? A life that is controlled by forces beyond ourselves essentially renders us powerless.
All these issues are acutely amplified in these disruptive and uncertain times, when we are clearly not in control of of schedules and futures.
Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this vital talk about the very meaning of our lives — about the essence of our beings and our contributions. Are we pre-wired programmed machines, like the entire universe, governed by the deterministic laws of nature? Or do we humans have the ability to transcend the parameters of our defined structures? Discover how your soul has the power to break free of the confines of existence and of your predispositions — and how you can indeed control the unfolding drama of your life. How you hold in your hands the destiny of your life and the destiny of the world.
I am very interested in this i liked everything about i
What is your zodiac sign?. I’m a Sagittarius
hey im in the miiddle of 5 grade classs im suposed to do work tho chao
This was interesting
Using the activities of day-to-day life, you can spark an inspiration revolution for yourself. Your daily life — especially the mundane parts — holds the keys to living a more meaningful life.
Ok so i dont want to offend all of yall but honestly people shouldn’t Believe in this type of stuff because it offends Jesus and God you Zodiac isnt your destiny, its not even supposed determine it!! Yall need to stop this nonsense about “Zodiac tells your personality and your future” CUZ IT DOSENT!!! Yall need to rely in God to work out your future! Pray to him ask him into your heart and you wont need to belive in all this crazy stuff! And plus you wont go to the lake if fire when you die youll go to heaven!! So get saved ask a pastor or a beliver to help you soon!!