Twelve Tribes; Twelve Paths: Which Personality Are You?

In this week’s Torah Portion, Vayechi, we discuss 12 brothers – brothers who became the 12 founding tribes, the roots to millions of generations to come, each with their own unique personality. Which one best reflects who you are?

There are so many new-age personality tests out there, a multitude of algorythms and diagnostics that declare who we are based off questions and preferences we enter into the system. While some are more accurate than others, they are all working off human input and human preprogrammed responses – and therefor open to human error and biases.

Let’s go back to the original book of all books – the Bible to discover which personality we best reflect. What better way to understand ourselves than based off the tried and true wisdom of the Torah?

Join Rabbi Jacobson for The Bible Series: A fresh perspective on biblical events, laws and personalities. Personalize and bring to life the timeless and universal lessons of the Torah in a psychological, spiritual and emotional way.

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