Proactive vs Reactive: Taking Control of Your Life


Are You Steering the Ship, or Is the Ship Steering You?

Think back on your day yesterday. How many of your actions were reactions – responding to a request, fulfilling an expectation, or simply going with the flow? Now, how many actions did you initiate – driven by your own vision or desire? Most of us would find the scale tipping heavily towards reactivity. And while there’s nothing inherently wrong with responding to the needs around us, living a truly fulfilling life demands a shift. We must move from simply reacting to proactively shaping our own destinies.

The Roots of Reactivity

Our journey into reactivity often begins in childhood. As infants, we are inherently reactive beings, entirely dependent on our parents. We mirror their expressions, crave their approval, and recoil from their disapproval. This pattern, while natural in our formative years, can linger into adulthood. The desire to fit in, to avoid judgment, and to navigate social pressures often keeps us anchored in a reactive mode. We choose comfort and familiarity over the uncertainty of stepping outside the lines.

Fear, too, plays a significant role. The fear of failure, of disapproval, or of disrupting the status quo can be paralyzing. It keeps us tethered to the familiar, even when our souls yearn for something more.

The Power of Proactivity

But consider the alternative – a life driven by your inner compass, guided by your unique values and aspirations. This is the power of proactivity. It’s about recognizing the immense potential within you, the “angel trapped in the marble,” as Michelangelo so eloquently put it.

Think of the innovators, the artists, the leaders who dared to defy expectations. They weren’t content to simply react to the world around them. They felt a burning desire to create, to contribute, to leave their mark. They understood that true fulfillment comes from aligning their actions with their soul’s purpose.

Cultivating a Proactive Spirit

The journey from reactivity to proactivity is not about sudden, drastic changes. It’s about taking small, consistent steps that build upon each other. Here are a few to consider:

  • Cultivate Awareness: Start by simply noticing how often you react versus how often you proactively choose your path. This awareness is the seed from which meaningful change can grow.
  • Take Baby Steps: Begin each day with intention. A simple practice like reciting the Modeh Ani prayer upon waking can be a powerful reminder of the soul within you – a soul that is inherently proactive and creative.
  • Uncover Your Talents: What brings you joy? What are you naturally drawn to? Explore those interests, not because someone expects you to, but because they resonate with your core.
  • Create Opportunities: Take the initiative to organize a gathering, volunteer your time, or embark on a creative project. These actions, however small, exercise your “proactive muscle” and open up new possibilities.
  • Infuse Intention: Even routine activities can become opportunities for proactive living. As you go about your day, consider how your actions, even the mundane, can be infused with intention and purpose.

Embracing the Journey

Remember, becoming more proactive is not about achieving a perfect state of being. It’s about embracing the journey of self-discovery, of uncovering the unique gifts you have to offer the world. It’s about recognizing that you are not merely a ship tossed about by the waves, but a skilled captain with the power to chart your own course.

Seek out friends and mentors who inspire you, who encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and embrace your full potential. And as you begin to live more proactively, you’ll find a newfound sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy. You’ll discover that the world needs your song – the unique melody that only you can sing.

This has been Simon Jacobson from To explore this topic further, visit our website and watch the accompanying video on our YouTube channel: Be blessed and be well.


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