1st Day of Pesach: #MeToo: Women Rule and Uphold The World



Published: 03/30/18

Intimacy portrayed in mass and social media is anything but intimate. Sensitive issues of gender and human relations are turned into senseless and grotesque circuses.

For more than a half-year, a reckoning on male-female dynamics has played out in the public – and, surely, private – stage.

From Hollywood to the White House, academia to sports, tech to media, the abuse and objectification of women has roiled a tempest of significant proportions and mass repercussions.

As is often the case, the core of the matter is rarely discussed: What is the appropriate behavior between males and females? Why do men take advantage of women? Do men think they are better? Are women better than men? Are men better than women? Do men and women play the same role in society?

We talk and we talk, but has anything really changed?

The #MeToo movement gives voice to the women who have been victimized. This sermon voices the Torah’s profound light on women, men, and the holy interaction between the two.

Passover is when we celebrate the liberation of our people.

3330 years ago, we were liberated because of the righteous women.

And so are we today. Women carry the power to liberate us in these challenging times.



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