Some Dance to Remember, Some Dance to Forget
We often find ourselves caught between cherishing memories and yearning to forget. It’s a dance we all do, some steps lighter than others. This duality begs the question: Is our past something we hold dear and revisit, or something we bury and attempt to forget?
My childhood memories, like vibrant tapestries woven with love and laughter, bring me immense joy. I remember summers in the Catskills, my father, a hardworking man, taking my sister and me into the woods. We found a baby pine tree, dug it up, and planted it in our Brooklyn garden. Sixty years have passed, yet the memory remains, a testament to my father’s nurturing love and the simple joys of those summers.
These heartwarming memories evoke nostalgia, a longing for the past. But then, there are memories we desperately wish to forget: traumas, heartbreaks, and painful experiences that leave an indelible mark on our souls.
While it’s impossible to erase these memories completely, we can learn to navigate their presence in our lives.
Memory: A Gift and a Burden
Memory, in its essence, is a gift. It provides context, a framework for our lives, connecting us to our past like the roots of a tree. Our memories, positive and negative, have shaped us, but they do not define us.
We don’t remember our lives as a continuous film, but rather as snapshots, key milestones that shape our personal narratives. We recall birthdays, vacations, and other significant events, piecing together the puzzle of our past.
Harnessing the Power of Positive Memories
Think of your positive memories as powerful tools. They can empower you, provide solace, and inspire you to create a brighter future. When shadows of negative experiences cloud your mind, consciously recall these positive memories.
Remember the love you’ve received, the kindness you’ve experienced, and the triumphs you’ve celebrated. These memories are your arsenal, your source of strength and resilience.
Navigating Painful Memories
But what about those memories that haunt us relentlessly? The ones we can’t seem to escape?
I recall an incident from summer camp, a seemingly insignificant event that left a lasting impression. A counselor, stern and authoritative, threatened to make me eat dinner in my pajamas. The terror I felt, the feeling of utter helplessness, remains etched in my memory.
Though not a trauma in the truest sense, this experience taught me the profound impact words can have on a child’s mind. Children are like warm wax, absorbing every impression, positive or negative.
Creating a New Narrative
While we may not be able to erase painful memories, we can choose how they shape us. We can harness their power, learn from them, and use them to cultivate greater empathy and understanding.
One powerful way to navigate painful memories is to create new, positive ones. Just as light dispels darkness, positive experiences can diminish the grip of negative ones. Engage in activities that bring you joy, surround yourself with loved ones, and practice gratitude.
Cultivate new memories, write a new narrative filled with hope, love, and meaning.
The Power of the Mind
Remember the story of Purim. We are commanded to remember Amalek, our enemy, but also to “obliterate their memory.” How can we reconcile these seemingly contradictory commands?
We remember that there is something to obliterate. We focus not on the trauma itself, but on our power to overcome it.
Our minds have the extraordinary ability to envision a brighter future. Just as an architect designs a building before laying a single brick, we can use our minds to create a cognitive life raft, a vision of a better life, a better world. And once we can imagine it, we can start building it.
Moving Forward with Hope
May we all be blessed with an abundance of joyful memories to cherish and the strength to overcome the painful ones. May we use the power of memory to build brighter futures for ourselves and those around us.
This has been Simon Jacobson. For more inspiring content, please visit our website,, and subscribe to our growing YouTube channel. And please, share your thoughts, your comments, and your questions. It’s been an honor and a pleasure. Be well and be blessed. Thank you so much.