Where Are the Leaders We Need?


Where Are the Leaders? A Journey From Longing to Empowerment

The world hums with a peculiar dissonance. On one hand, we are blessed with astounding success and prosperity. Yet, a discordant note rings true: our society grapples with a polarization I haven’t witnessed in my lifetime. Battles rage, particularly in the arena of values, leaving a yearning for a moral compass, a longing for guidance. This begs the question: Where are the leaders?

Throughout history, true leadership emerged to illuminate the path forward. Leaders offered direction, instilled confidence, and empowered individuals to tap into their inner reservoirs of strength. Today, this very leadership feels like a rare commodity, leaving many feeling adrift.

You see, each of us possesses boundless potential, a wellspring of inner resources. Yet, the demands of daily life, the pressures, and expectations can often obscure this truth. We find ourselves mired in the quicksand of the everyday, struggling to lift our gaze and perceive the bigger picture. This is where true leaders come in – they provide that crucial vantage point. But if they are absent, are failing us, where do we turn?

The Yearning for Vision: A Crisis of Our Times

The vacuum of leadership is palpable. A pervasive cynicism has taken root, a sense that those in positions of power are as fallible, as driven by self-interest as any. The cacophony of partisan politics, the sensationalism of media, all contribute to a societal spectacle that feels less amusing and more and more tragic.

The human condition yearns for connection, for contentment, for love and belonging. We strive for success, for families that thrive, for a sense of purpose. Our commonalities, the shared experiences of joy and sorrow, far outweigh our differences. Yet, we struggle to tap into that unifying force.

This is where true leadership shines. It transcends differences, weaving together diverse perspectives to reveal a shared vision, a tapestry richer and stronger than any single thread. Tell me, can you name a leader today who embodies this unifying spirit? A leader in business, politics, entertainment, or any sphere who champions a vision greater than self-interest?

A Leadership Vacuum or a Crisis of Self?

Some might argue that every generation receives the leadership it deserves. A lost society begets lost leaders, leaving the blind to lead the blind. But is this a sufficient answer? Do we resign ourselves to a fate devoid of guidance and inspiration?

I have always believed that the seeds of leadership reside within each of us. However, our subjectivity, the immediacy of our needs, can cloud our judgment. We crave the guidance of a conductor, someone to help us rise above the noise and discern our priorities.

Yet, across the globe, a different narrative prevails – one of power grabs, control, and pandering. Where is the leader who dares to articulate a vision that transcends personal gain, who inspires us to embrace a purpose larger than ourselves?

We live in an age rife with technological marvels and medical breakthroughs. Industries dedicated to improving our lives flourish, driven by profit, yes, but also by the potential to alleviate human suffering. Yet, even amidst such progress, a deeper yearning persists. Take Artificial Intelligence, for example – a revolutionary force poised to reshape our world. While debates center on its potential for good or ill, its ethical implications, where are the leaders who can guide us through this uncharted territory? Where is the discourse that transcends profit margins and grapples with the profound impact of AI on humanity?

From Longing to Action: Embracing Our Inner Leaders

This brings us to a pivotal question: What can we do? If the leaders we seek are absent, then we must become the leaders ourselves. We must cultivate within ourselves the qualities we yearn for in others and, in doing so, demand those same qualities from those around us.

The chasm between follower and leader is deceptively simple: the follower seeks external direction, often out of insecurity, fear, or inertia. The leader, however, recognizes the unique spark within, the soul’s calling that transcends external validation.

To embark on this journey of leadership, we must first connect with our own souls. It is in this sacred space that we discover our unique purpose, our calling. This doesn’t necessitate grand gestures or sweeping societal change; it begins with small, intentional acts of leadership woven into the fabric of our everyday lives.

  • Initiate: Break free from the inertia of reaction and embrace proactivity. Share a thought-provoking message, visit someone in need, commit to a daily act of kindness. It is in these seemingly small gestures that we ignite the flame of leadership within and inspire those around us.

  • Nourish Your Soul: Dedicate time each day to connect with your inner self. Engage in stimulating reading, explore spiritual ideas, find solace in music or prayer. Nurturing your soul is not selfish; it’s an act of empowerment that fuels your ability to lead.

  • Spread the Light: As you cultivate your inner leader, share that light with others. Encourage those around you to embrace their potential, to initiate positive change. Remember, leadership is contagious – it ripples outward, transforming families, communities, and ultimately, the world.

Our Shared Responsibility: Tipping the Scales of Redemption

My teacher, the Rebbe, often spoke of the world as a delicately balanced scale. Each act of goodness, each kind word, each loving thought tips those scales towards redemption. This principle, my friends, applies to each of us.

Do not underestimate the power of your actions. By embracing your inner leader, you contribute to a collective shift, a rising tide of consciousness that can reshape our world.

Yes, the lack of visible, inspiring leadership can be disheartening. But despair is not an option. We have the power, each and every one of us, to become the leaders we long for. Discover your unique song, nurture it, and sing it with courage and conviction. The world is waiting to hear your melody.

This, to me, is the greatest tribute we can pay to the memory of true leaders – to embody their spirit, to continue their work, and to inspire future generations to do the same. Let us commit to leaving every space we enter, every interaction we have, a little brighter, a little more hopeful than we found it. That is the power, and the responsibility, of true leadership.

This reflection was inspired by the teachings of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (the Rebbe) and his profound impact on my life and work. To learn more about the Rebbe’s teachings, you can watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PYJb_tfAOs. You can also explore additional resources and join our community at meaningfullife.com.


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