Love & Marriage
True love and marriage is the process of two halves of one soul reuniting again for all eternity. This is why everyone is looking for it.
I want him to be handsome. I want her to be pretty. I am looking for wit. I am looking for kindness. Should I perform a credit check? My wedding will be on the beach. My marriage is so boring… When it comes to the body of love and marriage, we know exactly what we want. But what about the soul of love and marriage, do I know what I want? What type of spiritual connection am I looking for? How do I put the soul into “soul-mate”? What is the inner meaning of marriage? And what happens once I am married? Is love only at first sight or does it continue? What happens when I have the marital without the bliss?
The Value of Beauty
A frank dialogue that offers a refreshing perspective on the deep value of human beauty.
Read MoreRicochet Dance
History is a dance. G-d & the “maiden of Israel” have been dancing these steps some 4000 years now, advancing & retreating, drawing apart & pulling together
Read MoreIn an Earthen Vessel
Deeper significance of the laws of the sotah (“wayward wife”) in Parshat Naso. Life is a marriage of body & soul – female & male perspectives on reality.
Read MoreVaetchanan: Orthodoxy Vs. The World
An interesting debate about how, in today’s day, we approach and respond to the reality of intermarriage in orthodoxy…
Read MoreA Tailor’s Legacy
A story of two Rabbis discussing a marriage proposal, revealing the secrets of tailoring and life.
Read MoreThe Intimate Estrangement
Linking G-d’s bond with the Jews as a marriage with the ten haftarot called “the Three of Rebuke and the Seven of Consolation” in explaining the galut/exile.
Read MoreThe Rebbe On Why Moses Broke the Tablets
In breaking the tablets, Moses was acting on his own, contrary to his divine mission to deliver G-d’s Torah to the world. In breaking the tablets, Moses, who could not presume that G-d was to replace the first tablets with a second pair, was eradicating his very being, his very raison d’etre, for the sake of his people.
Read MorePre-Marital Marriage
The following is a freely translated excerpt from a talk the Rebbe gave to women’s gathering on Iyar 25, 5744 (May 27, 1984) about the woman’s role in marriage.