The Gulf War 2003
In retrospect, so much could have been done differently to preempt today’s horrors. Clarity is essential.
By the rivers of Babylon is where past, present, and future converge. The only question: will the rivers flow with blood or with life? “What happens after Saddam Hussein is removed from power…Will this victory simply eliminate Arab/Muslin animosity to the United States and the West?… the battle between the Western world and Islam is primarily an ideological and religious one.” Simon Jacobson wrote these words on March 27, 2003. What have we learned?
Bamidbar/Shavuot: After 3336 Years How Far Are We From Sinai?
Israel is under attack, yet again. As we stand in proximity of Shavuot, when we relive the revelation at Sinai, this may be the best time to demand accountability of the Arab/Muslim world for their actions, and to call the rest of the world to demand a response.
Read MoreVayechi: Babylon Unplugged
Babylon – modern day Iraq – is in the news yet again. And so is Nebuchadnezzar, its leader. We take a look at Saddam Hussein as a living embodiment of him..
Read MoreVayigash: 2006
As we conclude the calendar year – my 50th on earth – it’s an appropriate time to examine the past year’s events, and attempt to place them in perspective.
Read MoreLech Lecho: Iraq – Yesterday and Today
This essay explores the roots of the Iraqian quagmire, and ancient lessons that are relevant today more than ever.
Read MoreVayelech: A Year In Perspective
As we enter the new year, this essay reflects on the past year, the lessons learned, challenges encountered and meaning made…
Read MoreIn Search of Eden
There are many angles to understand the war in Iraq. But the true war today is driven by the angst of man in search of Eden. This is an essay on the connection between redemption, the Persian gulf, and Purim.
Read MoreEmerging Purim Patterns: The Connection Between Purim and the 2003 Persian Gulf War
Rabbi Simon Jacobson, author of the best-selling “Toward a Meaningful Life’, explores the connection between Purim and the Gulf War of 2003 and the Gulf War of 1991. Connect the dots of history.
Read MoreBamidbar: After 3316 Years How Far Are We From Sinai?
Parshat Bamidbar: Sinai created an interface bridging heaven & earth, giving us the power to fuse matter & spirit entirely without compromising either or.
Read MoreBehar Bechukotai: Global Dimming
Present day conflict has a direct source in biblical schisms of our forefathers, and in the ongoing war between the spiritual and the material.
Read MoreVayeishev: Kislev 19 in Babylon
History is a continuum. Peace in our lifetime will only be possible if we make peace with the rifts of our past, acclimating the world to our own souls.
Read MoreKedoshim: West of Eden
The present issues in the world are sourced in longstanding religious and metaphysical conflicts which revolve around the physical and figurative Babylon.
Read MoreMetzorah: In Search of Eden
The continued presence of both the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and particularly the Euphrates, indicates the ongoing presence of the Garden of Eden in this world.
Read MoreTazriah: The River Euphrates
The Euphrates River has seen the rise and fall of man many times over, and plays a significant role in the ultimate redemption.
Read MoreShemini: By the Rivers of Babylon
The current state of the world, as examined through the lens of Babylon, can trace its roots to a fundamental religious and ideological conflict of ancient days.
Read MorePurim 2: Shushan War
Part two of the previous week’s article, “Purim: Connect the Dots,” continues to explore the significance of current conflict in light of historical events.
Read MorePurim: Connect the Dots
Parallels are drawn between the Purim of 2360 years ago and the Purims of the modern Persian Gulf Wars, and the ultimate significance of the Persian region is examined.
Read MorePekudei: Two Faces of Esau
The story of Esau’s wedding leads to a two-faced world where some people struggle with G-d and justice while others demonstrate great pride in their faith.
Read MoreTerumah: Yet Again
The world’s infrastructure is built on selfishness and leading to tragedy after tragedy. Instead, we must usher in a new era of spirituality and unity.
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