Great Mystics
If our souls are embers, smoldering within, then a Great Mystic is the bellow, fanning that ember until it burns with Divinity.
At times it is hard to hear; at times it is difficult to see; and at times it is a struggle to believe. This is why sprinkled throughout time and space there are people who open our eyes, unplug our ears, remove our barriers. They take heaven and give us a taste here on earth and they inspire us to do the same. These are the leaders, the teachers, the shepherds – these are the Great Mystics of existence.
Rosh Hashanah Stories
Four Hasidic stories. Rosh Hashanah stories from Hasidic masters including the Baal Shem Tov and Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev.
Read MoreHemshech Samech Vov
Hemshech Samech Vov is a series of 61 discourses by The Rebbe Rashab. In this introduction, Rabbi Simon Jacobson explains the concepts of chassidus used by The Rebbe Rashab in Hemshech Samech Vov.
Read MoreThe Alter Rebbe
The Alter Rebbe, also known as Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, is the founder of Chabad Chassidus and is considered to be one of the great Jewish mystics.
Read MoreBeyond Paradise
A story about the Baal Shem Tov and his quest to reach the Holy Land, his nearly failed Passover, and the stranger who changed everything.
Read MoreInformed Debate
A Chassidic story of Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz inspiring two argumentative combatants to criticise themselves instead of each other.
Read MorePlaying G-d
A Chassidic story of the disciples of the Maggid of Mezerich, including the Alter Rebbe, discussing how, in their opinions, G-d should run the world.
Read MoreThe Rashbi
The Rashbi is the author of the classic Kabbalistic work, the Holy Zohar (‘Book of Splendor’), first published in 1558. This is a fact sheet on the Rashbi.
Read MoreHemshech Tzaddik Dalet
Nothing is real. That is the point proved by the chassidus of Rabbi Yoseph Yitzchak Schneerson in his series of discourses called Hemshech Tzaddik Dalet.
Read MoreThe Book of Light
Kabbalah discusses not financial disputes and livestock trades, but spiritual worlds, supernal attributes and forms of divine energies.
Read More24,000 Plus One
The “deeds, teaching and works” of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai are the ultimate rectification of Rabbi Akiva’s disciples’ tragic failure to achieve the proper synthesis of love and truth that would make their love true and their truth loving.
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